OLE: Human readable & error free smart contracts
Every generation has to reinvent itself from scratch, using the latest technology available. We feel a need to rebalance our societies. We were thrilled the day blockchain arrived, because blockchain brought new solutions for many old know problems in our research fields. OLE (Objects, Language and English) adds value to the blockchain in our own way. Using OLE, every “non-programmer” can read and write blockchain in his natural language. OLE also has “digital smart contract evolution” built in the language methodology. Both advanced technologies make realizing blockchain–based organizations & regions much easier.
Managers, lawyers & accountants should be able to write and read blockchain themselves.
Arnoud Berghuis, co-founder of BlockchainKennisStichting (BKS), can tell us all about the Natural Blockchain Language OLE and the attention it gets already from governments and corporates.